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Newyddion Cyffroes / Exciting News

***Newyddion Cyffroes iawn**
Rwyf wedi bod yn cydweithio gyda cwmni newydd  Mari Emlyn ac Ifan Emyr i greu gwaelodion lampau pren iddynt ar gyfer eu cysgod lampau.
Prosiect hyfryd iawn i weithio gyda nhw ar eu dyluniad a sialens dechnegol a hanner  imi i ddysgu fy hun sut i greu gwaelodion lampau.
Ewch draw i weld eu casgliad, maent werth eu gweld.

***Exciting News***
I’ve been collaborating recently with a new local lampshade business called  in creating some wooden lamp bases for their lampshades.
It’s been a lovely project to work on and a challenge for me technically as I figured out how to turn and make lampshade bases.
Go take a look at their collection, beautiful work.